Tuesday, October 14, 2008

another thought provoking article about the election...

Can Catholics back Pro-Choice Obama?




  1. Very good article...

    It says it all, too: You can't support murder, no matter how much money you think a candidate's economic policy would saves you (which, in reality, would be nothing if Obama's socialistic plans come to fruition).

  2. Supporting such an intrinsic evil over circumstantial judgment is a degree of pride. Simply by voting for something that is YOUR opinion over the dignity of life given us by an everlasting God is foolish.

    I would like to say however, that the last few questions of paying taxes that fund abortion, and if that is wrong. As far as i can see it is a conflict of interests but it is also hard to ask of a person to disregard all civic duties, not to mention the fact that the IRS will come after you. That particular question would be interesting to hear the answer to.
